The bit of good in it
Ex-hostage gets courthouse killer reward – Mar 24, 2005
Ex-hostage gets courthouse killer reward – Mar 24, 2005
On the left, Army deserter Jeremy Hinzman. On the right, presidential election loser John Kerry. You decide.
US deserter denied Canada asylum
(The topic is a fun quote from CSI) Apparently the District Attorney of Los Angeles agrees with the sentiment, at least where it concerns the Robert Blake trial. DA Says Robert Blake Jurors Were Stupid LOS ANGELES Mar 24, 2005 — District Attorney Steve Cooley says Robert Blake was “guilty as sin” and the …
Continue reading ‘“Twelve people too stupid to get off jury duty”’ » Yummy. Gotta love the quote from the environmental health guru: “This individual apparently did take a spoonful, did have a finger in their mouth and then, you know, spit it out and recognized it,” said Ben Gale, director of the department of environmental health for Santa Clara County. “Then they had some kind of …
Thanks to the Unpopulist for the link.
Yeah, Mexico. From comicbook style how-tos for border jumping, to songbooks in schools extolling the benefits of drug running, we can always count on our southern neighbor to lend a helping hand. Now the government of the Mexican state of Yucatan has,2933,151207,00.html produced a handbook to border crossing, complete with DVD. Obviously the … – Court denies request to rehear Schiavo case – Mar 23, 2005
No, not that pope, the other pope!
The Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Kofi Annan, has apparently discovered a way to piece suicide bombers back together so they can be punished. UNITED NATIONS, March 19 — Secretary General Kofi Annan on Monday will propose establishing new rules for the use of military force, adopting a tough anti-terrorism treaty that would …
How would they have us train our warriors?
Iraqi Civilians Fight Back Against Insurgents
Shooter Obsessed With Violence
Rise of zombie PCs ‘threatens UK’