If you say it often enough, and with enough conviction, sooner or later people will believe it – even if they know it’s an outright lie.
“If you like your current insurance, you will be able to keep it”
Forget the fact that a government-sponsored plan, paid for out of tax dollars, will inevitably put the rest out of business.
Forget the fact that a government-sponsored plan, paid for out of tax dollars, will force companies to quit funding health insurance to remain competitive.
Forget the fact that a government-sponsored plan, paid for out of tax dollars, will destroy competition and any chance of recovery once the “experiment” has proven it’s foolhardiness to even the staunchest of supporters.
Hillary care, Obama care, socialized medicine… whatever it’s called, it’s based in lies and doomed to failure – but it’ll only fail after it’s caused the lives and livelihood of millions of Americans.
It really gets under my skin when Chris Dodd and his ilk spew their lies on national television.