Congratulations, Speaker Boehner
I didn’t get to watch it live, thankfully Jimmy was there with the commentary!
I didn’t get to watch it live, thankfully Jimmy was there with the commentary!
I guess turnout was indeed greater than expected… my damned poll site ran out of stickers before I got there. Oh well, this one will do. Halfway to 2012. Thankfully, today’s results should stem the tide until we can correct the mistake of 2008. Now we just have to keep our collective foot on the …
Think the conspiracy theorists are completely out of touch? Not on this one. Court allows countries to join challenge to Arizona Law In a new twist in the fight over Arizona’s immigration law, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday asked a federal court to disallow foreign governments from joining the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit to …
Seems quite reasonable to me. A Platform for Restoring ‘Peace Through Strength’ In a world characterized by growing threats to freedom and the U.S. Constitution, America’s exceptional role, and indeed our country’s very existence, is at risk. We believe such times demand a robust, comprehensive national security posture appropriate to today’s threats, and tomorrow’s. Toward …
Pretty hard to believe. PASADENA, Calif. — A three-year-old federal law that makes it a crime to falsely claim to have received a medal from the U.S. military is unconstitutional, an appeals court panel in California ruled Tuesday. The decision involves the case of Xavier Alvarez of Pomona, Calif., a water district board member …
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It’s not the military’s policy. RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Lawyers for a gay rights group asked a federal judge Friday to impose an injunction halting what they called the military’s unconstitutional “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Congress created the bill, President B.J. Clinton signed it into law. Don’t blame the military for U. S. Law.
Yesterday I wrote my Congressman regarding the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court of the United States. I told him I hoped he planned to vote against her confirmation, and described some of my reasons. Today I saw this testimony, and Senator Burr, I hope you heard it, too: A Veteran Puts Kagan …
This is Michael Steel trying to be, to quote him, “too cute by half.” “This is a war of Obama’s choosing.” Apparently he forgot about Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and 9-11. I’m with Bill Kristol on this one… Michael Steele: Resign.
So stop making bad jokes and get to work doing what the people want.
I don’t know who Mr. Orengo is – he could be a Kenyan Ron Paul – but I find it hilarious to read this in an official (Kenyan) government document, over two weeks old, having heard not a peep about it on the news. If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity …
In the last year, how many times can you recall the phrase “in a statement released late Friday night” in reference to some embarrassing tidbit released by the Obama administration? Too many, certainly. This morning, it was the new muslim envoy to yet another radical islamic nutjob group (why do we seem to have so …
I mentioned this to people at work the other day, but haven’t seen another comment/post/blog about it, so I guess I’d better before I forget. The president has an annoying habit of thumping his hands on the podium when he speaks. I don’t know if he’s always had it and I never noticed, or if …
Make no mistake (and damn do I hate that phrase), I have no desire to see the maggots housed in the cells in Guantanamo released anywhere in the world, let alone inside the continental United States. That being said, I just cannot resist the urge to point out another failure of Barry and Co. Obama …
Got this one from a friend who likes to forward jokes and such… gave me a chuckle, so I thought I’d share: A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids …