Where do the ideas go?

This morning, as I went through my daily routine getting ready for work, some ideas occurred to me regarding the odd juxtaposition of the former USSR and the United States in regards to dealing with the mad mullahs and their maniacal minions of the Middle East. It made perfect sense, and had all the hallmarks of something I needed to put down in words to present here.

Fast forward to the end of a rather busy day, and I can’t put those ideas back together. I put what little I can remember into a draft post – hopefully I’ll be able to fill in the missing pieces soon.

Until then, I’m open to suggestions on how to keep from losing these little epiphanies (this wasn’t the first time I’ve done this). I’m considering several things, ranging from a grease pencil to write on the shower wall (messy, ugly) to a bathroom-safe voice recorder. Adding more time into the morning schedule to sit and write is not really a good option for me, although it would probably be most effective.


One Comment

  1. Might not work for you, but I have a pad that’s attached to the center console of my car and a pen in the second cup holder that I’m not using and jot down all sorts of things I know I’ll forget if I don’t write it somewhere.
    Or try a cassette recorder in your car and put your thoughts on tape and you can easily add to or erase sowmthing if you find you have it out of order, or changed your mind about saying it, or want to say it a different way that you did originally.
    So many devices around now you have choices of so many things to post your notes on, but to me,the easiest would be the cassette recorder since it actually requires the least amount of you having to watch the recorder, and have one and to drive and the other free for coffee and breakfast.

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