Perfect reason to dismiss Hillary and Barack:
” Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast. We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a “phony soldier.” We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments.”
Signed by Clinton and Obama, among a detestable host of others.
Senate Votes to Condemn MoveOn for Ad Attacking General Petraeus
The amendment did not specifically name, but expressed “the sense of the Senate that General David H. Petraeus, commanding general, Multi-National Force-Iraq, deserves the full support of the Senate and strongly condemn(s) personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all members of the United States Armed Forces.”
Signed “NO” by Hillary; Barack was conveniently not available to vote.
Let’s get it straight: Limbaugh is a popular talk show host with an audience made up primarily of his supporters. He made a verbal foul-up when talking about the losers posing as soldiers to gain credibility when they denigrate the President, the military, and the Iraq war. I don’t have his quote, but I have heard enough of him to know he wouldn’t intentionally badmouth our military.(I found and read the quote) The morons in the US Senate know that, too. Taken by itself, the quote would be insulting. Taken in the context of the speaker (Rush), everyone knows better.
MoveOn took out a full page ad in a world-wide published newspaper insinuating that a highly decorated US General would betray his country in his testimony to Congress.
Does anyone seriously believe this is the proper behavior of potential Commanders-In-Chief?
Meanwhile, my job suffers because the combined efforts of the Democrat led congress could not send a budget to the President before October 1st.
Nice way to prioritize your efforts, kids. Harry, Nancy… get off your posturing asses and do something productive. Hillary, Barack? Just go away.