Remember these little gems?
Obama spells out plans for change
Obama Promises A New Dawn of American Leadership
Sure didn’t last long… is this the hope and change you wanted?
Exceptions to Obama ethics rules under scrutiny
Daschle’s Problems: When Is a Lobbyist Not a Lobbyist?
Two Obama Nominees Withdraw Their Names
WHO GETS WHAT: Taxpayers will pay stimulus costs
Poison pill “stimulus bill” full of bullshit kickbacks, tax-evading nominees to his cabinet, grand new ethics rules with special “exceptions”, even stabbing the civilized world in the back by sucking up to Iran… yeah, President Barack Hussein Obama, it’s not hard to see your Chicago political heritage in this mix.
Can we call it buyer’s remorse yet?
Note: I’m being nice by using full title and name here… I don’t think I have to do that for long, based on the media’s use of “Bush” for the last eight years instead of the more proper President George W. Bush. Matter of fact, I’m done… from here out (unless I slip), it’s simply “Obama”.