Background Checks

Lots of talk about “expanding” background checks for firearms purchases. Lots of reasonable people on both sides of the argument disagree what that would mean. But so far no one seems to have suggested the obvious – probably because so few in the argument have ever actually participated in what goes into buying a firearm. …

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Lowering Gun Violence

This via Jon McNaughton.  I have no idea the validity of the numbers, but the sentiment is thought provoking. This morning I was reading a blog entry on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze when I ran across this blogger’s words.  I thought it was rather interesting.  Here is the post: Rangerskippy said: Want to see a …

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The fans write letters!

As promised, this one from the “fans of reality tv” file: This one from one “Breanna (aka Rihanna) Riles“, who has obviously worked long and hard at her studies to write the following: “hello my name is breanna and u may not know me but im from bessemer alabama u may not have heard of it …

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Surely we can’t be this stupid?

The President’s spokesman, the former President’s wife (now Secretary of State), and the propaganda media are all repeating the great lie that muslim savages throughout the world have a clue about some video on youtube that “offends” the offensive animals that follow islam.  Supposedly this obscure video has led rabid animals throughout the muslim world …

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So today I heard a news piece on the radio about the commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan flying in to a village to personally apologize to some perfectly innocent Afghani citizens who happened to get blown to bits while harboring taliban shitheads simply trying to hold a wedding party.  Apparently there was …

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IT pays

I’ve lately become a fan of Lonerider Beer’s “Sweet Josie”, and tonight, while attempting to access their website, I am greeted with this bullshit:   So… who forgot to register the freaking domain?  Who’s the manager in charge of hiring a competent IT geek?  This is inexcusable.  I buy enough of your beer myself to pay …

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Trayvon Martin

Well, this case might just get interesting. Apparently, a witness has emerged, who says Martin attacked Zimmerman. Let the riots begin!  Oh, wait… apparently, the witness may also be something other than a privileged white male. Still doesn’t justify Zimmerman following Martin in the first place.  Still doesn’t justify the self-proclaimed neighborhood watch ‘captain’ carrying …

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Happy New Year! Let’s hope this year brings an end to the ridiculous situation we’ve endured for the last three years, and blows wide the theory that an ancient culture mapped out our demise. Me, I’m just going to enjoy my black eyed peas and hope for the best!

Spies like us…?

I subscribe to a number of email newsletters, and a number of my subscriptions have spawned new subscriptions. That’s bad enough (bastards selling each other (or ‘sharing’) mailing lists), but today I got an email from one of the hellspawn asking why I haven’t opened their emails in awhile. Hmm. The only way for an …

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Open up and say “Ahhhhh!”

60’s flashbacks anyone? “Police made repeated loud-hail commands and officers on the ground reiterated those commands for people to clear the street and leave the area. A confrontation occurred between a group of protestors who would not disperse. Projectiles were thrown at police and an unidentified man struck a police horse. During this confrontation, police …

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