Bad Side… Worst.

The “Daily Tarheel”, a campus newspaper at the University of North Carolina, has stepped into the Mohammed cartoon frenzy with this offering. There’s been some discussion among the paper’s staff and subscribers, including some well-reasoned points both for and against. I added my own opinions in support of the paper’s editorial staff, which …

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“I’d rather hunt with Dick Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy”

That (the title above) was a suggested bumper sticker overheard on Bob & Tom this morning. Expect this accident to be the butt of many jokes for some time. Fortunately, Mr. Whittington is fine and expected to recover fully. The shooting incident occurred about 5:30 p.m. Saturday on the sprawling 50,000-acre ranch just south …

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Sharing the Hate

Don’t let the name of the blog sway you – The Hatemongers Quarterly is neither hateful, nor quarterly (they update every day). Instead, their clear writing (with excellent use of the English language) and “pulling no punches” style makes for a great daily read. Today’s offering is directed at the “absolute moral authority” of …

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Important lesson in Phishing

If your intended targets use English as their primary language, be sure you hire someone fluent in English to write your phishing emails. The below tripe was received this morning (a few copies, all merrily shuffled into the trash by gmail). Good marks for spelling, piss-poor marks for grammar. The only people more mock-worthy than …

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Editorial Meeting Dhimmi: Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, “protected people,” are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur’an’s command that they “feel themselves subdued” (Sura 9:29). This …

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Finally, The Zombie Times Mohammed Image Archive has posted a copy of the cartoon I was looking for. Here for your perusal, the full front page of the French paper that stepped up and reprinted the “controversial” Dutch cartoons – with their own editorial cartoon featured prominently on the front. (Cartoon text reads “Don’t …

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In search of…

By now, everyone has heard about the ignorant muslim reaction to the Danish cartoons depicting their “prophet”. It’s common knowledge that the religion of Islam is so guilt-ridden and insecure that they can’t allow anything that might tempt the “faithful” to use their own minds and imaginations, let alone sit idly by while infidels …

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