TV Spammer update (Another ‘net domain range)

Mr. Guerra has another range of internet domains to work from in the seemingly neverending stream of the same, lame commercial:

Just replace the ## with some numbers (I tested at random from 1 to 24 (30 is still parked on go-daddy, but it’ll probably be live soon)), and feel free to plug in some information. I don’t recommend plugging in authentic information, but that’s your choice, of course.


  1. Previous posts on this topic:

    Another site reference…

    Sick and tired…

    Here are a few keywords for those coming here via search engines: Guerra Communications, LLC; Work at Home Scam; Prospect Performance;,,; television spam scan commercial

    I am still amazed that there are so few people talking about this crap. There is obviously interest, as I’m seeing a lot of visitors to this site coming from search engines with keywords "Guerra Communications, LLC", and some of the site name references, and it’s no wonder, since a search on those terms brings very little in the way of information about this bottom-feeding company.

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