So how would you suggest terrorists be questioned?

Detainees Accuse Female Interrogators (

Can’t beat ’em. Can’t use sensory deprivation. Can’t intimidate them. Can’t humiliate ’em. Can’t use drugs. Can’t seduce them. Any more clever suggestions?

Are the American people such WIMPS that they can’t stand the thought of actually forcing information out of terrorists?

These are the same scumbags who plot, plan, and carry out the wholesale murder of innocent civilians. They have extensive training on how to resist questioning – and they’re driven by screwed up religious teachings that give them a “moral high ground” to support their actions. Does any sane person believe that these murderers are going to spill their guts just because they’ve been caught?

Argue all you want about the need for Americans to be on the side of right – but keep in mind that everytime we fail to find out what these animals are planning, more innocent people are at risk of losing their lives.

Want to set guidelines for how far we can go to get information from scumbags? Fine. Just keep in mind that those same scumbags will know where our limits are, and will be prepared to resist up to that point, knowing the good guys won’t go any further. It doesn’t work – and until we’re ready to acknowledge that one simple fact and get over it, we’ll lose.

Female interrogators repeatedly used sexually suggestive tactics to try to humiliate and pry information from devout Muslim men held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a military investigation not yet public and newly declassified accounts from detainees.