World’s Most Depressing Book!

I was standing in line at the grocery-store checkout today, and an interesting headline caught my eye. No, it wasn’t “The Moon is going to Explode in SIX DAYS!”, it was “World’s Most Depressing Book Causes Dozens of Suicides!”

Of course, we already know about this book, I didn’t need to open the rag to read this story.

The deadliest suicide-inducing book in the world is the one and only Qur’an, of course.

One Comment

  1. The most depressing book I have ever read is Autobiography of a Face. Particularly when I found out what became of the author.

    The second most depressing book I ever read was written by a Polish Jew just before the Germans invaded. He was an amazing author. It was his first and only book, as he disappeared thereafter and was never found.

    My brain just won’t yield the name but I can dig around if you like depressing books. 🙂

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