Ok, the previous article turned up when I was looking for this one – I didn’t realize how old it was, but the comments still stand.
http://www.komotv.com/stories/38738.htm THIS story is quite recent, and seeing the video on Fox News this evening, I am sickened. Given the clarity of the video, it’s downright amazing that these monsters disguised as humans are still walking free. I can’t do this story justice – click the link and watch the video – and keep in mind these soldiers have devoted a part of their lives to ensure that their attackers can live in a free society.
If you’re in the Seattle area and recognize any of the faces in the video, here’s the number for the Seattle Police anonymous tip line: 206-684-5550
Police Need Your Help In Capturing Beating Suspects
SEATTLE – Two soldiers who just returned from a year in Iraq were badly beaten in an attack outside Pioneer Square. But believe it or not, someone caught the beating on videotape. Now, police are asking for your help identifying the suspects.
The brutality of it all was captured on tape outside of Larry’s Nightclub on First and Yesler on July 31.
Police say the victims were with two women who’d been groped by the suspects. One of the women threw a hot dog at the suspects and walked away.
They didn’t get very far. The three suspects ran after them and began attacking the two men — two soldiers who’d come home from the war.
The graphic videotape shows both victims getting beaten over and over again, and then after one of the victims loses consciousness, a suspect starts stomping on his head.