Gene Simmons: Obama has no f*ing idea!
Another straight talker tells it like it is… via Hot Air Pundit who also informs us that Gene Simmons real name is Chaim? Who knew?
Another straight talker tells it like it is… via Hot Air Pundit who also informs us that Gene Simmons real name is Chaim? Who knew?
Update: YouTube, you’re a bunch of pussies. (video taken offline) Another update: It’s back, all over the place now… screw ’em!
So my Obama-depression inspired bout of “nothing I want to write about” fugue has gone on long enough. Let’s see what’s interesting in the world. There’s fighting in Gaza… and in case you forgot, Israel’s enemies are the same fanatical assholes that are our enemies. They are liars and deceivers (if you believe people like …
Once again Cox & Forkum hit the nail on the head. (Title of this cartoon refers to this famous quote: The first casualty when war comes is truth) This is a hoot. Reuters photographers are photoshopping images and publishing them as news. Bloggers catch them, professional photographers out them, and this is all we get …
Continue reading ‘Improper use of photo editing software?’ »
(Image courtesy Cox & Forkum) The American Thinker reminds us to get the whole story before blatantly condemning Israel for the Lebanese civilian casualties. The blame for these deaths falls completely on those who are encouraging, or forcing civilians to remain in areas being used as military staging areas. The idea that killing innocents – …
Cox & Forkum has a host of links you should be familiar with. That American citizens would openly support these people is dispicable. Charles Johnson is doing a excellent job of rounding up photos and reports of anti-Israel demonstrations around the world. The fact that a pro-Hezbollah sentiment has been repeatedly witnessed is disgusting, especially …
It’s a common theme. The UN must end the hostilities. UN Peacekeeping forces needed to end fighting. Send in the ‘peacekeepers’! But most seem to forget that there are already UN peacekeepers in the area. Unfortunately, they’re led by an ever-so-effective Frenchman – and make a habit of providing aid to terrorists. In June 1982, …
If a picture is in fact “worth a thousand words”, which thousand words support this picture of Kofi Annan’s handshake with the leader of Hezbollah in Lebabon? These? (taken from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s address to the UN Security Council, 20 July 2006) I have already condemned Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel, and acknowledged Israel’s …
There’s been a lot of discussion at work about the US citizens in Lebanon getting evacuated by the embassy. Most of it starts with “what the f*ck are they doing there to begin with? There are a few good answers; embassy personnel, relief workers, people visiting family… but not all the answers seem sensible. Students? …
Between my Sunday chores, I’m watching Fox, MSNBC, CNN (briefly), and C-SPAN… but you don’t need me to tell you what’s being said and shown there. Instead, I’ll just point out a few bloggers who are living amongst or near the conflict(s). Israellycool Rantings of a Sandmonkey Lebanese Blogger Forum (warning, the linked site contains …
Saudis blame Hizbullah for Lebanon crisis | Jerusalem Post LGF declares a “Flying Pigs Moment” Saudi Arabia indicated on Thursday that Hizbullah bore the responsibility for the current crisis in Lebanon, Israel Radio reported. In an official statement, the Saudi government said that a distinction must be drawn between “legitimate resistance” and “adventurous, irresponsible acts” …
Continue reading ‘Saudis blame… Hizbullah? (Hezbollah? Hizbollah? bleh. Iran)’ »