Surely we can’t be this stupid?

The President’s spokesman, the former President’s wife (now Secretary of State), and the propaganda media are all repeating the great lie that muslim savages throughout the world have a clue about some video on youtube that “offends” the offensive animals that follow islam.  Supposedly this obscure video has led rabid animals throughout the muslim world …

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So today I heard a news piece on the radio about the commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan flying in to a village to personally apologize to some perfectly innocent Afghani citizens who happened to get blown to bits while harboring taliban shitheads simply trying to hold a wedding party.  Apparently there was …

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No pictures?

I assume we can’t release the pictures because the photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse being stuffed with raw bacon and fed to wild dogs might be insulting.  The line of sailors pissing over the rail while they dragged the remains a bit to turn them into shark chum on the props might be insulting …

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Food Shortages? Explain this.

A recent article warned that because of (global warming/climate change/al gore’s bank account) the world was in danger of increased food shortages.  As usual, the gist was that the evil West is abusing the planet and the innocent, helpless third-world is starving. I’ve long questioned the logic of turning food crops into (heavily subsidized) fuel …

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Peace Through Strength

Seems quite reasonable to me. A Platform for Restoring ‘Peace Through Strength’ In a world characterized by growing threats to freedom and the U.S. Constitution, America’s exceptional role, and indeed our country’s very existence, is at risk.  We believe such times demand a robust, comprehensive national security posture appropriate to today’s threats, and tomorrow’s.  Toward …

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Yesterday I wrote my Congressman regarding the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court of the United States.  I told him I hoped he planned to vote against her confirmation, and described some of my reasons.  Today I saw this testimony, and Senator Burr, I hope you heard it, too: A Veteran Puts Kagan …

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9-11: Erwin L. Erker

Something struck me as I was reading about Erwin Erker.  He was a regular guy.  Hell, he sounds like any number of people I know and deal with every day, even a bit like me.  He was into technology, that’s apparent by his choice of careers, enjoyed both watching and playing sports, and kept an …

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Happy New Year

So my Obama-depression inspired bout of “nothing I want to write about” fugue has gone on long enough. Let’s see what’s interesting in the world. There’s fighting in Gaza… and in case you forgot, Israel’s enemies are the same fanatical assholes that are our enemies. They are liars and deceivers (if you believe people like …

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I just noticed the counter to the right has passed 10,000 (10,001 at the time of this writing). Ugh. Turns 10,000! In the mind-numbing aftermath of 9/11, who would have guessed that within just a few years American politicians would be campaigning on promises to ensure the comfort of incarcerated terrorists… that Hollywood writers …

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