Bomb attacks on London’s transport system

Apparently trying to gain attention on the opening day of the G-8 summit, someone set off at least four bombs in attacks against London’s transportation system. Three points in the “underground” (subway) and one bus were attacked. 37 people are reported dead, with hundreds wounded.

No word yet on who did it or what statement they hoped to make, although islamic terrorists are suspected (naturally). Some crackpot group calling itself the “Secret Group of Al Qaeda’s Jihad in Europe” claimed responsibility, but considering no one has ever heard of them, that claim is dubious. – U.S. & World – Terrorists Strike London in Series of Blasts

LONDON – A series of four explosions struck London’s public transportation system Thursday in what Prime Minister Tony Blair (search) called a coordinated series of “barbaric” terrorist attacks, most likely timed to coincide with the opening of the G-8 summit in Scotland.

At least 37 people were reported dead and at least 700 were wounded, according to officials.

Days like this make Isolationism look like a valid concept. Close the borders, withdraw our military from everywhere in the world and place them on the borders. Kill anyone that tries to enter this country without proper authorization and credentials. Deport all undocumented aliens. Bring on the damned national ID card.

One Comment

  1. Even as we hate our outlaws, our diversity and our grey markets, we love them. The dichotomy is built into our cultural heritage. 500 years of how to do it in North America.

    Jessie James, the Mafia, Gotti and Al Capone.

    Mexican immigrants thrive here despite periodic outcries against them because they get jobs easily from captains of our economy who are knowingly violating the spirit and letter of the law.

    The thrill of avoiding taxes stretches from garage sales to ebay to the settlement of our continent and still fuels resentment against the Feds in our culture.

    Isolationism U.S. style is something like diet potato chips, having the opposite of the intended effect.

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