Terrorists announce their true fears

CNN.com – Purported al-Zarqawi tape: Democracy a lie – Jan 23, 2005

It’s not how the major media spins it, but this is a clear message about the true fears of Islamic Terrorism – that people will have the ability to decide their own course, including their religion. It wasn’t that long ago, historically, that the http://labyrinth.georgetown.edu/display.cfm?Action=View&Category=Crusades Crusades held the same message in the name of Christianity.

File this one under the main reason we must succeed in Iraq. http://www.religioustolerance.org/relintol3.htm Religious intolerance (and its inherent results) is among the main causes for war, and directly responsible for countless millions of deaths throughout history.

Only when all people are able to live in a law-driven society and enjoy the freedom to decide their own basic beliefs (or lack thereof) will the world be a safe place to live.

“We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all those who seek to enact it,” said the speaker in the 35-minute message.

“Democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion,” he said, and that is “against the rule of God.”

Note: Democracy is also based on the right to choose not to have any religion, thank you very much.