Another Image Test
Re-uploading a number of the WordPress 2.5 core files seems to have resolved this problem. Here’s the default WordPress Gallery (rather plain and simple) And here’s NextGen’s version (sexy)
Re-uploading a number of the WordPress 2.5 core files seems to have resolved this problem. Here’s the default WordPress Gallery (rather plain and simple) And here’s NextGen’s version (sexy)
Having problems with the media uploader… this one is from a direct upload / URL link. Lightbox-2 Plugin is working, though… (Click the image!) Another test – now using NextGen Gallery!
Just words, used to describe a person important to the man who would be President. Mentor Noun * S: (n) mentor, wise man (a wise and trusted guide and advisor) Role Model The term has passed into general use to mean any “person who serves as an example of a positive behavior” Sounding Board a …
I can’t wait…
A complete explanation of why the “news” is simply not. What We Call the News | Funny Jokes at JibJab