Top 10 Search Engine Links to L’ano

Interesting tidbits culled from server logs:

Here are the top 10 search engine queries that brought people to L’ano in the last month or so.

499 guerra
497 communications
282 llc

The first three are all related to the scum of television advertising spam. These are the folks who invite you to visit their website and load up your personal information so they can sell it to Multi-Level Marketing scam artists (They refer to it as “Matching you up with the perfect home-business opportunity”). Hell, they don’t even offer a free iPod for your personal data. Oddly enough, there is still very little discussion anywhere else concerning these people.

130 daoc

Haven’t played in a year, but there’s still some good info in the archives.

125 actool
103 spellcrafting

These are related to Asheron’s Call – a game I played several years ago and enjoyed greatly. I also wrote some really dandy macro “programs” for this game using an utility called ACTool. No idea if they work in the current AC, and not really concerned. People keep coming back for a look, so I guess they still have some value. 🙂

60 sharnelle
59 jenkins

Remember this hero? Some of her family members have posted here concerning the incident, which I thought was rather cool. I have yet to hear if the failed thief was ever arrested, though.

44 funwebproducts
43 remove

This strikes me as somewhat funny. When I added some quick and dirty “referrer logging” back in December, I noticed a number of people coming to the site with this thing attached to their browsers. I mentioned it here, and since then, people have been coming here looking for a solution. For the sake of historical preservation, I’m going to repost the full details here, so we don’t have to rely on other sites’ links to remain live.

So there we have it. I truly wish my site wasn’t associated with Mr. Guerra and his slimy business of barely disguised data pimping. However, if even one person learned something from my posts, I am glad the information is there to see.