Iran and N. Korea, a match made in hell An Ominous Pairing — Feb. 28, 2005

North Korea claims it has the bomb, but is abiding by a treaty that says they won’t work on missiles – Iran may or may not be working on a bomb (but definitely is working on facilities that will help them to make the bomb), and is working on missiles. Now that we find out that North Korea and Iran have been sharing missile data, any bets on whether or not they’re also sharing data on making nukes?

Is there a dysfunctional-country club out there, where all the assholes get together and figure out ways to keep the world guessing? Surely we have a 70’s era propped-up dictator somewhere in the world that’s in the club and still owes us a favor?

The two countries whose nuclear programs have raised alarms of late may be cooperating more closely than previously known. North Korea agreed six years ago to stop flight-testing longer-range ballistic missiles, which could deliver nuclear or chemical warheads, in exchange for relief from U.S. economic sanctions. Pyongyang still claims it is sticking to the deal, but some Administration officials think it may be cheating by using Iran as its proxy.