Do you know this man?

US Rep. Mike Honda (D-San Jose)I caught Representative Mike Honda last night on Hannity and Colmes as he blustered his way through explaining why he hates the United States Military, or more specifically, why he doesn’t think Military Recruiters should be able to talk to kids. Sean Hannity posited a simple question in the midst of the interview that clearly shows the character of the representative. The question “Do you support the US Military as a force for good in the world?”, was a simple one – one that any American, and certainly an elected government official, should have no problem answering, regardless of whether their answer was yes or no. Honda refused to answer the question. Repeatedly.

But Representative Honda, under the guise of “protecting privacy”, is more interested in preventing Military Recruiters from carrying out their mission. A mission that Mike Honda is also tasked with carrying out in his official role of protecting and defending the United States Constitution, which begins: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Representative Honda has conveniently set that aside – instead, he sees it his duty to throw a roadblock in front of recruiting efforts. While colleges are free to recruit malleable young minds into their institutions of liberal indoctrination (think Ward Churchill here), the military, under Honda’s proposed bill, would be forced to ask parents’ permission before they could even talk to their kids. Is there an agenda here? Does anyone really believe this is about privacy (remember, these same kids are required by law to register with the selective service), and not an effort to hamstring the military? Dispicable.

Mister Honda; your opposition to the US Military, your efforts to undermine the necessary work of Military Recruiters, and your implied disdain for our Men and Women in Uniform border on sedition. This behavior, especially while our forces are engaged in combat, is unforgiveable.