The motive is simple: Religion kills.

No motive found in church group shootings – Mar 13, 2005

Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist… it makes no difference. Radical extremists of any religion will happily take portions of religious texts and use them to justify the wholesale murder of anyone, their own included. No outside force will convince them otherwise.

I don’t suggest a “godless” world, but I do suggest a world where people stop pretending they speak for whatever deity they represent, and the masses stop mindlessly following the orders of those same false prophets. There are no prophets, there are simply people eager and willing to take advantage of the weak-minded masses.

As long as some people are willing to be sheep, others will be there to lead them. I, for one, do not have the kind of blind faith in my fellow man to believe that kind of power will not be abused.

BROOKFIELD, Wisconsin (AP) — Police have found no clear motive for why a man opened fire with a handgun during an evangelical church service at a hotel, killing seven people before taking his own life.