Iraqis giving insurgents a taste of their own…

7 al-Zarqawi insurgents found slain in retaliation for killing

Odd how, amidst all the news of insurgent attacks on police and civilians, we never get these reports on the evening news. Thanks to Rusty Shackleford and The Jawa Report for the link.

In the violent city of Ramadi, a center of Sunni insurgent activity 60 miles west of Baghdad, the bodies of seven men were found lined up in an unfinished house on the western outskirts of town, according to eyewitnesses.

Unlike the corpses elsewhere, which were mostly Iraqi police and soldiers, the bodies in Ramadi apparently were foreigners, fighters working for Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who has claimed responsibility for suicide bombings, kidnappings and assassinations.