Someone at the Washington Post is in trouble!

Isn’t writing stories that tell about the successes in Iraq against some rule of the media guild? I imagine someone is out looking for a job after this one…

(Kudos to the good guys in Iraq, another job well done)

Dozens Are Arrested in U.S.-Iraqi Operation

U.S. and Iraqi forces in the volatile western province of Anbar have seized thousands of pounds of explosives and arrested dozens of suspected insurgents in a three-day sweep that has encountered little resistance and received widespread cooperation from local residents, military officials said Thursday.

Maybe the rest of the media will catch on… we’re sick and tired of hearing about some terrorist crying because his book was touched by an infidel; we’re sick and tired of hearing that some murdering bastard was shot without being read his rights first; we’re sick and tired of hearing the “we don’t have a plan” liberals trying to undermine our elected president’s efforts to bring some semblance of order and security to a part of the world that has had little order and no security for a very long time.

(Thanks to Jihad Watch for the link)