These are the people we’re fighting for

A simple shepherd from a community that understands honor. These are the people that deserve the attention and protection of the US Armed Forces and the International community involved in the mission to ensure a free Afghanistan.

TIME Magazine — How the Shepherd Saved the SEAL

What emerges is the tale of a courageous U.S. fighter facing impossible odds in unfamiliar terrain, stalked by the enemy and stripped of everything but his gun and his will to survive. But it is also a story of mercy and fraternity, showing that even in the war-scorched landscape of the Afghan mountains, little shoots of humanity sometimes have a chance to grow.


It was the SEAL’s good fortune that the villagers were Pashtun, who are honor-bound never to refuse sanctuary to a stranger.


That night the fighters sent a message to the villagers: “We want this infidel.” A firm reply from the village chief, Shinah, shot back. “The American is our guest, and we won’t give him up as long as there’s a man or a woman left alive in our village.”

This man knew the eventual outcome would mean being forced to move his family away from their home to avoid the repurcussions of the Taliban animals occupying the hills in the area. From the description of events, it seems he barely gave that a second thought; instead he just did what he knew was right.