I am pleased enough with this transaction, I want to share. Here’s the comment I just posted to ResellerRatings:
Wrong item was shipped (I believe the problem is the manufacturer part number mix-up, not NewEgg’s error), called for RMA. Explained similar problem I have still not resolved with another company, CSR was *very* sympathetic and helpful. RMA issued, credit issued, replacement ordered, discount applied “for my inconvenience”, and return label provided to send the items back. I honestly can not think of a more satisfactory resolution to a problem like this. Bonus points for CSRs Nelda and Lory, who literally did everything right to ensure I will remain a loyal NewEgg customer. Thank you very much.
Note: I don’t get anything from NewEgg for my endorsement, I just believe they deserve a hearty pat on the back.
Thank you, NewEgg. You’ve made up for this error in grand fashion – and made it obvious to me that a few bucks’ savings is no reason to deal with a company like the one I’ll describe below.
Now, why I ordered these enclosures from NewEgg – after I had just ordered the exact same items from another company… that brings me to story mode:
Last fall I ordered three external hard-drive enclosures from a certain computer surplus discounter. These particular enclosures are a common variety sold by several companies, with iMicro commonly being the cheapest. What I received was the same brand, marked with the same part number – but definitely *not* the same enclosure. When I inquired about an RMA, I was provided a lengthy row of hoops to jump through in order to get one. I finally did obtain an RMA, although I am sure the non-English speaking customer disservice representatives still had no idea why I was dissatisfied. In my complaint, I thoroughly described the error, and suggested a replacement from a different manufacturer if the original wasn’t available (as I said above, several companies market the same enclosure). I mailed back the received enclosures at my expense, and waited to receive something in return.
A month later, after checking the tracking information to ensure my return shipment had been received, I emailed them to ask about my replacement. I received no response.
I called them, got a recording, left a message; I received no response.
Over the next few weeks, I sent several emails, ranging from inquiry to demand.
Finally, I registered a complaint with their local Better Business Bureau; they ignored the BBB as well.
I continue to receive the company’s emails offering their “deals of the week”, although I now filter them off into spam automatically. I am also working with my bank to take my money back from the sorry bastards. I’m very tempted to take them to small claims court here in NC (they’re in CA). I imagine I could justify taking a bit more from them if I bothered to go to that extent.
I wasn’t going to name the bad company… but screw ’em. Surplus Computers (mash it together and add .com) are the bastards described here. They’ll never see another dime from me, and hopefully not from you, either. They’ve listed some decent prices, but Customer Service Reps can literally make or break a company; theirs ruined it for me.
Note: Everything stated here is true. If a representative of Surplus Computers wants to contact me to try to dispute (or resolve) this, they are welcome. They could still correct the mistreatment I have suffered, but that will neither change what I have written nor bring me back as a customer. I would, however, note any such gesture here with this complaint – and notify the BBB that they’d made amends.