Ignorant, immature, and conceited. That’s the only explanation for the complete morons that decided it was a good idea to send a 747 to buzz Manhattan Island without warning the general public. Can we squeeze this one onto the list of top 100 blunders of the one-der kid’s first 100 days?
As secret missions go, this one was a flop.
On Monday morning, one of the 747s used to ferry around the president of the U.S. was dispatched to the Statue of Liberty, escorted by fighter jets. Assignment: Get some fresh glamour shots of the plane.
The Air Force said the flight needed to remain confidential. So while New York police knew about it, as did at least one person in the mayor’s office, regular New Yorkers remained in the dark.
As a result, to onlookers Monday all across downtown Manhattan — where the World Trade Center once stood — the photo shoot looked like a terrorist attack. People watched in horror as a massive aircraft, trailed closely by F-16 fighters, banked and roared low over the city, in a frightening echo of the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
Fearing the worst, thousands of people streamed out of the skyscrapers and into the streets. Some buildings ordered evacuations.
“Oh God, it was mayhem in here, just mayhem,” says Rubin Shimon, manager of Styling Haircutters, a barber shop near Ground Zero, where many people took shelter to call loved ones on their cellphones.
via ‘Classified’ Photo Op Turns Into Blunder – WSJ.com.
Also (via Drudge)
Plane stupid: Mayor Bloomberg outraged over military photo-op involving low-flying presidential jet
White House Apologizes for Air Force Flyover