I swear I just said this…
“If you like what you’re getting, keep it,” Obama said. “Nobody is forcing you to shift.”
Yet the legislation the Obama administration is working on with the Democratic-controlled Congress would make major changes in how Americans pay for health care. The goal is to slow cost increases and bring in nearly 50 million uninsured, and the consequences are bound to affect how employers design benefit plans.
So he lied?
Earlier this week, a preliminary analysis by Congressional Budget Office estimated that 10 million people would have to seek new insurance under a Democratic plan that a Senate committee is working on, because their employers would no longer offer coverage. Those workers and their families would shop for a plan through new insurance purchasing pools called exchanges. About 160 million to 170 million people now get employer coverage.
Why yes, yes he did. But it’s Okay…
White House officials suggest the president’s rhetoric shouldn’t be taken literally: What Obama really means is that government isn’t about to barge in and force people to change insurance.
We already know his rhetoric is bullshit. Thanks for confirming it.
Promises, Promises: Obama’s health plan guarantee
H/T Michelle Malkin