Another story today about a condo association telling the mother of a Marine and a Soldier to take down her American Flag.  Can I get a committee together to start slapping these idiot HOA board members until they learn not to be so damned stupid? To the Southdale Gardens Condominium Association:  Believe it or …


Churchill’s Wisdom

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist …

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Lowering Gun Violence

This via Jon McNaughton.  I have no idea the validity of the numbers, but the sentiment is thought provoking. This morning I was reading a blog entry on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze when I ran across this blogger’s words.  I thought it was rather interesting.  Here is the post: Rangerskippy said: Want to see a …

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Surely we can’t be this stupid?

The President’s spokesman, the former President’s wife (now Secretary of State), and the propaganda media are all repeating the great lie that muslim savages throughout the world have a clue about some video on youtube that “offends” the offensive animals that follow islam.  Supposedly this obscure video has led rabid animals throughout the muslim world …

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So today I heard a news piece on the radio about the commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan flying in to a village to personally apologize to some perfectly innocent Afghani citizens who happened to get blown to bits while harboring taliban shitheads simply trying to hold a wedding party.  Apparently there was …

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That three letter word… JOBS

President’s speech tonight is a poorly disguised attempt to divert all the pressure for fixing his screw-ups onto congress. What a fraud. Joint session of congress, so he can once again lecture congress, on a subject of which he is unqualified to speak. One more job needs to be lost before the economy can recover: …

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The Imperial Opinion

Bahahahhahaha President Obama’s approval rating of the American public has fallen to an all-time low, according to a new Gallup survey of White House residents and employees. Fewer than one in 10 Americans earned the president’s favor, according to the president. That is down sharply from six in 10—the percentage of Americans Obama approved of …

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Justice Served, Texas Style

Until recently I imagine that most of the country, much like myself, knew little or nothing about Humberto Leal Garcia, the illegal immigrant* who became a vicious rapist and murderer back in 1994.  At any given moment there are probably thousands of animals locked up in our nation’s penitentiaries for crimes similar to Humberto’s, and …

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No pictures?

I assume we can’t release the pictures because the photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse being stuffed with raw bacon and fed to wild dogs might be insulting.  The line of sailors pissing over the rail while they dragged the remains a bit to turn them into shark chum on the props might be insulting …

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