No pictures?

I assume we can’t release the pictures because the photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse being stuffed with raw bacon and fed to wild dogs might be insulting.  The line of sailors pissing over the rail while they dragged the remains a bit to turn them into shark chum on the props might be insulting to some terrorist asshole.  The visage of the pack of sharks tearing the rendered corpse to shreds and dragging it off into the deep is a sight that would undoubtedly cause sleepless nights to any children not already exposed to prime time television.  Oh, and it might upset the sensitivities of some jihadi shithead or another.

But hey, at least we know he’s dead.  Right?

P.S.  Thank you, George W. Bush; Thank you, United States Navy Seals; Thank you, Central Intelligence Agency; And thank you, to the thousands of unmentioned, unsung government employees and contractors who worked the last ten years to bring this mass murderer to justice.

The bigotry of low expectations

Came across this on The Jawa Report.  I think that while their chosen money quote was a good one:

“There is one religion in the world that kills you when you disagree with them and they say ‘look, we are a religion of peace and if you disagree we’ll fucking cut your head off.” ~Bill Maher

Probably even more significant was Andrew Sullivan’s quote from President Bush regarding “the bigotry of low expectations“.  The problem with acknowledging that the primitive muslims of the Middle East are prone to violent overreactions to the slightest offense is that you are forced to acknowledge that they’re less than human.  When gay entertainers get eaten by their pet tigers, we understand that these morons were playing with their own lives all along.  It’s not the tiger’s fault, it’s his nature and as a dumb animal he can’t help it.  When islamist fundamentalist nutjobs attack everyone who doesn’t agree with them because they don’t agree with them, we cannot simply say “it’s their nature” and still believe they are human beings deserving of the same respect we give all civilized human beings.  They’re either our equals, and we can expect them to act according to the standards of a civilized global society, or they’re animals and belong in cages (or should be put down humanely, like we would any rabid animal).

It just can’t be both.  Remember that when our leaders blame the cartoons and burning korans, and don’t even mention the barbarians.

My Slave, My Infidel

If this doesn’t piss you off, you’re not human.

Makes one wonder: where is the hue and cry from the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Calypso Louis Farakhn, and every other race baiting social justice pandering professional victim out there decrying the state of life in these United States.

Question for you comment spammers

Do you get paid per attempt to post a spam link next to your meaningless comments, or only for successfully posting? It takes me 10 seconds to clean your mess out of the spam traps, and none of your comments see the light of day, so I certainly hope you’re getting paid per attempt. 20 today, up from the usual five to six per day… you’re persistent, if nothing else.

Obama Channels Bush

When I heard the President threatening to shoot down Libya’s air force (now that said air force has used up all its ammo blasting the “rebels”), I thought he sounded a lot like he was reading G.W. Bush’s speech announcing the decision to go back into Iraq.  Seems I wasn’t the only one to make that connection, not that I thought I might be…

Obama Copies Bush Speech

Obama closed Friday’s remarks by saying, “I’ve taken this decision with the confidence that action is necessary, and that we will not be acting alone. Our goal is focused. Our cause is just. And our coalition is strong.” Nearly a decade earlier, when President George W. Bush announced that U.S. forces were launching military strikes in Afghanistan, Bush said: “To all the men and women in our military … I say this: Your mission is defined. Your objectives are clear. Your goal is just.” Bush used similar wording in other remarks at the time.

Awesome.  No pissing and moaning from the left when Barry says it, though.  Too bad Barry is far more likely to get Americans killed, especially given he waited till the momentum any revolution might have had was smashed before he even considered taking action.

Sadly, I somewhat agree with those who say we’re better off with the petty dictators running things in the middle East; at least as long as the most likely alternative is islamic sharia compliant states.  Anyone remember what the taliban did to Afghanistan?  Or what the Ayatollah(s) did (is/are doing) to Persia?  Granted the people are miserable, but the world is better off.  When “the people” get smarter about who they’re willing to let lead their countries, then they can be considered mature enough to decide their own fate.  Pretty shitty way of looking at things, but reality can be shitty at times.

A thought on cults

A show on NatGeo TV about cults caught my attention today.

I find it somewhat amazing, but mostly disgusting that some people are so willing to give up their minds, their will, and their lives to follow a charismatic* asshole with a messiah complex.  It’s even more unbelievable in this modern day of free flowing information that otherwise normal, intelligent people can’t see the same pattern being played out again and again.  Isolation, restriction, declaration that the leader is “god” and infallible, and almost inevitably, sex with the followers.

The saddest part is that while the “followers” generally consider themselves ultra-religious, the “leader” is the ultimate atheist.  He has to be an atheist, because if he had any real beliefs in an almighty, he’s know for sure he was pissing off that god (those gods, whatever).

I suppose he could be a believer in the Roman god Bacchus.  That way as long as alcohol is involved, anything goes.

As a public service, I hereby offer this message to those under the control of “religious leaders” who may or may not realize they’re in a cult:


That is all.

* I don’t get how these people are “charismatic”, they’re mostly just disgusting.  But hey, people claim Hitler was charismatic, and he was nothing but a diminutive troll with a screechy voice who appeared constantly on the verge of a heart attack.

Sarkozy on multiculturalism

This is a great quote.  Why can’t we find U.S. Politicians who will speak so clearly about the problems of mass, uncontrolled immigration?

“We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him,” Sarkozy said in the TFI channel show.

via Multiculturalism has failed, says French president – Yahoo! News.