Thank you, Angelina

Just watched “Salt”, starring Angelina Jolie, and the first thing that comes to mind is the title of this post.  Thank you, Angelina.

I say thank you, because I was just treated to a good old fashioned, “America Wins” movie.  I don’t want to ruin the plot, so I won’t go into detail, but it’s damned gratifying to see a new movie that manages to glorify the virtues of America and provides victory for the good guys.  And by ‘good guys’ I mean the United States of America.

Having recently watch the piece of shit, America hating, illegal immigrant glorifying waste of two otherwise perfectly good hours that is the movie “Machete”, I needed something to cleanse my palate.

And I normally would enjoy a movie that features Danny Trejo, ridiculously gratuitous violence, and Jessica Alba naked in the shower.

Guess it just goes to show that no matter what one might think of the trailer, the movie might still be a surprise.

Setting the tone

Talk show hosts have nothing in the influence game when compared to the radical left.

Since literally moments after the shooting in Tucson last week, the leftists have been screaming against all logic that the senseless violence committed by Jared Loughner was caused by angry political rhetoric.  Of course, it wasn’t, but that hasn’t stopped every left leaning asshole on TV or with a blog from repeating the lie.

So how does the right respond?  By agreeing with the screaming left that political discourse needs to be toned down.


This is how you chuckleheads got voted out in the first place – no original ideas of your own, letting the other side set the tone, and letting them have their way.  Are you all going to start chanting “we can too”?

How disappointing.  I’m sure I’m not alone in saying “I expected better.”

Threatening email

To the individual who thinks it funny to use my feedback page to threaten me:  Your IP address and information collected from the server logs is being turned over to law enforcement.  Since you live across many state lines from me, you have committed a federal offense.  Time to rethink that whole “typing while under the influence” gig.

Continue reading ‘Threatening email’ »

Tragedy in Arizona

This is what they were talking about when they coined the term ‘man-caused-disaster.’  It wasn’t an act of war.  It wasn’t the result of political extremism.  It wasn’t a racist reaction to the country’s first (half) black President.  It wasn’t a statement on illegal immigration nor Arizona’s efforts to combat same.

It was one asshole with a fucked up outlook on life.

By current accounts, Congresswoman Gifford may make an absolutely amazing recovery.  I hope she’s able to testify at the trial that convicts Loughner and sentences him to death.  Preferably by firing squad, as the punishment should fit the crime.  Letting the very much alive Congresswoman look the lunatic in the eye would have a sting of poetic justice.

Several others were killed, but none so unbelievably tragic as the 9 year old girl born on the day this country was attacked by real terrorists.  The death of Christina Green will stick in my mind as the greatest tragedy of this event.

This morning, a number of stories are being told about how those involved reacted during this shooting.  76 year old Dorwin Stoddard covered his wife with his body to shield her from the bullets that ended up killing him.  20 year old intern Daniel Hernandez provided immediate first aid to the Congresswoman, probably the only reason she is alive today.  Three senior citizens; Roger Salzgeber, Col. Bill Badger (USA, Ret) and Patricia Maisch, and Joseph Zamudio, a 24 year old smoker with a licensed firearm on his hip, who all finally subdued Loughner.

The President is about to lead the nation in a moment of silence for the victims of this heinous crime.  I hope he resists the temptation to make this a political statement.  The media is already doing enough of that.

First Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice in how many years?

Some things just strike me as funny:

Winter Solstice + Lunar Eclipse—First in 372 Years

First lunar eclipse on Winter Solstice in 456 years

Lunar Eclipse Tonight + Winter Solstice—First in 632 Years




What year is this again?

Oh yeah, I was out there.  Once again wishing I had a better camera for this sort of thing.  Too bad it was too damned cold to get out the telescope and take a close look, but there are plenty of pictures available from the professionals.

Freedom of Movement

Some years ago, the point was made that freedom of movement was an essential component of American freedom.  I wish I could relate the source of my enlightenment on that point, but it escapes me at the moment.  I’ve always remembered it on some level, because it is so obviously true on so basic a level.  Freedom of movement is something we’ve always enjoyed as citizens of these United States, even before we were these United States.  From horses to trains to to cars to airplanes, our history is replete with our efforts to make movement faster, easier and move convenient.

So why is our own government working so hard to rob us of that most basic of freedoms?  Look at what they’re doing:

(warning, entering conspiracy theory territory; pure speculation ahead!)

The global warming frauds are working to kill off our access to fuel.

The solution to global warming fakery?  “Electric” cars that are worse for the environment than gas powered vehicles, and have specific charging requirements and limited range.

The financial collapse is driving up the cost of everything, especially fuel.  (anyone else remember $1.00/gallon gas?  that was only ten years ago).

The U.S. government, under the guise of “security”, is now conducting illegal strip-searches on American citizens in an effort to dissuade us from traveling by air.

So what next?  Some horrible threat against traveling by rail?  Or maybe we’ll start needing a passport to travel between states (they change these rules all the time).

When we’re sectioned off into territories, with limited or no ability to travel between them, what will follow?

Halfway there

I guess turnout was indeed greater than expected… my damned poll site ran out of stickers before I got there.

Oh well, this one will do.

Halfway to 2012.  Thankfully, today’s results should stem the tide until we can correct the mistake of 2008.  Now we just have to keep our collective foot on the neck of the republican party so they don’t forget they’re only there because we’re sick of the democrats.