That three letter word… JOBS

President’s speech tonight is a poorly disguised attempt to divert all the pressure for fixing his screw-ups onto congress. What a fraud. Joint session of congress, so he can once again lecture congress, on a subject of which he is unqualified to speak. One more job needs to be lost before the economy can recover: …

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The Imperial Opinion

Bahahahhahaha President Obama’s approval rating of the American public has fallen to an all-time low, according to a new Gallup survey of White House residents and employees. Fewer than one in 10 Americans earned the president’s favor, according to the president. That is down sharply from six in 10—the percentage of Americans Obama approved of …

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Yesterday I wrote my Congressman regarding the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court of the United States.  I told him I hoped he planned to vote against her confirmation, and described some of my reasons.  Today I saw this testimony, and Senator Burr, I hope you heard it, too: A Veteran Puts Kagan …

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Was that a deadline?

Make no mistake (and damn do I hate that phrase), I have no desire to see the maggots housed in the cells in Guantanamo released anywhere in the world, let alone inside the continental United States. That being said, I just cannot resist the urge to point out another failure of Barry and Co. Obama …

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Epic Fail

Yeah, sorry… the campaign magic has worn off. Thousands In Daley Plaza Stunned By Olympics Decision Maybe we should stick to things presidential? Love this contrast at the old Huff’nPuff… Hopey Changey: 2016 Olympics Bid: Obama’s Presence Levels The Playing Field In Copenhagen Not so much: Chicago 2016 Olympic Bid and the School Children Killings …

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Nancy, GO HOME

The village of San Francisco is missing their idiot.  Can someone please send Nancy home? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Wednesday said she’s open to keeping the House in session through the August recess to pass its healthcare overhaul. “I think 70 percent of the American people would want that,” Pelosi said. “I want …

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The repeated lie

If you say it often enough, and with enough conviction, sooner or later people will believe it – even if they know it’s an outright lie. “If you like your current insurance, you will be able to keep it” Forget the fact that a government-sponsored plan, paid for out of tax dollars, will inevitably put …

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