Surely we can’t be this stupid?

The President’s spokesman, the former President’s wife (now Secretary of State), and the propaganda media are all repeating the great lie that muslim savages throughout the world have a clue about some video on youtube that “offends” the offensive animals that follow islam.  Supposedly this obscure video has led rabid animals throughout the muslim world …

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This was the most powerful tribute I read today.  (Thank you, Redstate) List of World Trade Center Victims Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr. Edelmiro Abad Maria Rose Abad Andrew Anthony Abate Vincent Abate Laurence Christopher Abel William F. Abrahamson Richard Anthony Aceto Jesus Acevedo Rescand Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann Paul Acquaviva Donald LaRoy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon …

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No pictures?

I assume we can’t release the pictures because the photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse being stuffed with raw bacon and fed to wild dogs might be insulting.  The line of sailors pissing over the rail while they dragged the remains a bit to turn them into shark chum on the props might be insulting …

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The invasion continues

No, this isn’t an illegal immigration post. A proposal to build a mosque steps from Ground Zero received the support of a downtown committee despite some loved ones of 9/11 victims finding it offensive. What. The. Fuck? Imagine the reaction if any non-muslim religion tried to build a house of worship ANYWHERE in Afghanistan, Iraq… …

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Was that a deadline?

Make no mistake (and damn do I hate that phrase), I have no desire to see the maggots housed in the cells in Guantanamo released anywhere in the world, let alone inside the continental United States. That being said, I just cannot resist the urge to point out another failure of Barry and Co. Obama …

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9-11: Erwin L. Erker

Something struck me as I was reading about Erwin Erker.  He was a regular guy.  Hell, he sounds like any number of people I know and deal with every day, even a bit like me.  He was into technology, that’s apparent by his choice of careers, enjoyed both watching and playing sports, and kept an …

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Morons cause panic in NYC

Ignorant, immature, and conceited. That’s the only explanation for the complete morons that decided it was a good idea to send a 747 to buzz Manhattan Island without warning the general public. Can we squeeze this one onto the list of top 100 blunders of the one-der kid’s first 100 days? As secret missions go, …

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I just noticed the counter to the right has passed 10,000 (10,001 at the time of this writing). Ugh. Turns 10,000! In the mind-numbing aftermath of 9/11, who would have guessed that within just a few years American politicians would be campaigning on promises to ensure the comfort of incarcerated terrorists… that Hollywood writers …

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Making the completely stupid sound perfectly plausible?

I’ve often been amazed at the ability of seemingly reasonable people arriving at obviously stupid conclusions. Especially those whose educational credentials should allow them to know better. Consider the “911 scholars for truth” (website not linked, as I won’t waste my time to find it), and useful idiots like Rosie O’Donnell (spelling? I’m also not …

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Go home and roost, chicken

It’s about damned time: Regents vote to fire Churchill The University of Colorado Board of Regents voted to terminate controversial professor Ward Churchill on Tuesday evening. The Board of Regents passed a motion to accept the recommendation from CU President Hank Brown to fire Churchill from his position in the Ethnic Studies department. The measure …

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