The Obama Card
I miss listening to Bob and Tom in the mornings…
Obama isn’t a muslim. We’ve had that bit of information driven home enough that everyone believes it now. But maybe some of that early training stuck. Respect for the ruler of the city that holds the meteorite they all pray to seems to be a lesson he hasn’t forgotten. The President of the United States, …
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Remember these little gems? Obama spells out plans for change Obama Promises A New Dawn of American Leadership Obama Lays Out Ethics Rules Sure didn’t last long… is this the hope and change you wanted? Exceptions to Obama ethics rules under scrutiny Daschle’s Problems: When Is a Lobbyist Not a Lobbyist? Two Obama Nominees Withdraw …
Continue reading ‘I hope this isn’t the change you voted for’ »
Yes, I’m not happy with the election. This video did not improve my mood. Teacher’s comments about McCain, war stir anger She asks them why they are you pulling for McCain or Obama. One student says she supports Obama because “he is making good changes” like “not having a fight between Iraq, and having soldiers …
Continue reading ‘Who gave this bitch a license to pollute young minds?’ »
Well said!
Every election season we hear the polls – numbers intended to encourage the media favorites, and discourage those who would dare to vote against the liberal establishment. This year, we’re seeing report after report of the thousands of new Democrat voters signing up, compared to the dismal turnout of new Republicans. Then there’s the little …
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Eyebrows raised over city school policy that sets 50% as minimum score Don’t worry, junior, you’re not stupid – you’re only half-wrong! While some districts use “F” as a failing grade, the city uses an “E.” The ‘E’ is to be recorded no lower than a 50 percent, regardless of the actual percent earned. For …
This guy is a laugh a minute. ABC News: Obama’s Exclusive Interview With ‘GMA’ Obama rejected suggestions that his campaign ad was a low blow. “If we’re going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest …
Obama’s Youtube Arrogance Just Became A Nightmare
This from a “skilled political veteran”: “How many angels dance on the head of the pin?,” she responded, continuing to giggle. “I have really, uh, nothing to … I mean, how do you answer that?” Clinton laughs off Colombia questions Hillary, you’re a dumbass. You really need to start doing better if you’re to help …
Just words, used to describe a person important to the man who would be President. Mentor Noun * S: (n) mentor, wise man (a wise and trusted guide and advisor) Role Model The term has passed into general use to mean any “person who serves as an example of a positive behavior” Sounding Board a …
Perfect reason to dismiss Hillary and Barack: SENATE DEMOCRATS CONDEMN LIMBAUGH’S ATTACK ON OUR TROOPS ” Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast. We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a …
Continue reading ‘Wanna-be Commanders in Chief: Condemn Rush, but not Moveon?’ »
This weak excuse for a man continues to sicken me in new ways every day. This time, it’s the ever-present “earmark“… and for a made-up bullshit organization that is apparently a front for donors to his campaign. I’ve always been a strong believer in our way of government – but criminal activity in plain sight, …
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